In a stunning turn of events, Adolf Hitler has endorsed Democratic Party presidential candidate Kamala Harris.

Other scenes from Hitler’s image rehab tour:1

Adolf Hitler, once history’s greatest monster, is riding a wave of public gratitude for his stance against true fascism.
He knows he’s made some mistakes, but he’s not looking back. What’s done is done, and he’s got an eye on the future.
What can be, unburdened by what has been.
Hey, don’t yell at me. She’s the one who dragged that guy into it!
If you had told me 20 years ago that one day, Dick Cheney and his daughter would endorse a Democrat who says the Republican nominee is Hitler…
Streaming pick: Die Alone, available for purchase or rent on VOD.
What if the guy from Memento got stuck inside The Last of Us?
That’s kind of a spoiler, but not really. You will not see this one coming. Best mindf*** flick since Strange Darling. Plus, Carrie-Anne Moss and Frank Grillo in the same movie? Come on!
I really, really liked this one. I give it all the stars, all the thumbs up, and all the buckets of popcorn. JT says check it out.
TGIF (Tonight, Giles Is Filibustering), and thanks for reading. Just 10 more days till we all have a new reason to scream at each other.
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The blonde lady is supposed to be Leslie Stahl from 60 Minutes, but apparently the robot doesn’t know what she looks like. I made several attempts. The joke still works, though, right?
The October Surprise!
As long as I've been paying attention, the D's have called the R candidate either Satan incarnate or the resurrected Hitler or both. Every damn time. Don't they understand that for 95% of us, we don't even hear it, we ain't listening.
The reason why we have Kamala is because she has gotten a free pass from day one. This is what happens when you come from a state where one party has hegemony on the process. The ones who rise to the top, it's not the talented and capable, it's the ones that are connected. Either that or you check the most boxes on the Diversity Bingo Card. And once in, because the party has so much control, you're there till you die. Just ask Dianne Finestein.
Kamala has never, not once, been challenged and it's so painfully obvious now. She's never been required to think on her feet, make a cogent argument, try to persuade others. She's coasted, right to the top, and has never worked for it. And, yes, she's a diversity hire, the DEI candidate. She's there because of the strength of her diversity bingo card. Well, that and her skill at polishing door knobs.
In my state (Oregon) I live in the one district they gerrymandered to be competitive. The D candidate has really strong credentials. And by that I mean she has, like Kamala, a strong diversity bingo card. And I swear, 90% of her ads are Abortion. That's it. That's all she can talk about. The rare non-abortion ad is about how she will fight for you! Do people still desire that? The Statists offer one dependency after another.