Welcome to Week Sauce, where I post some jokes I wrote about the past week’s news for whatever reason. Enjoy!
According to psychologists, forgetfulness is normal and even healthy.
Which raises a troubling question: What’s a psychologist?
The Biden administration is holding off on banning menthol cigarettes, fearing a backlash from black voters.
Biden then told a story about the pack of Kools that killed his son.
Jeff Goldblum has announced he’s not giving any money to his young children when they grow up.
Seems pretty mean. But in Goldblum’s defense, his kids are assholes.
University of Wisconsin professor John Gow, who was fired as chancellor last year for making porno movies, is still raking in $90,000 a year as a professor.
That’s not so bad when you factor in his other job and all the tips.
A dolphin in Florida has been diagnosed with HPAIV, or highly pathogenic bird flu.
This is what we get for making them spend so much time in the air.