Friends, I’ve got some bad news: Trump lost the 2020 election and the only way he can undo it is to invent time travel. He’s not going to be reinstated. Biden won, and you need to accept it.
This is not going to happen:

No, that’s not how it works. I don’t know if he actually believes this, but a lot of people do and he’s playing to them.
If you’re one of those people, and you’re annoyed or even enraged by the words you’re reading right now, I’ve got some more bad news: I don’t care.
People lose elections. It happens every single time. There’s a winner and a loser. It sucks to vote for somebody who loses, but that’s just how it goes. I’ve voted in exactly one election where my preferred candidate won, and that was in 2004. The last two elections, I wrote in a candidate as a protest vote. I didn’t get what I wanted. Them’s the breaks.
Trump lost. He did not win. For the first time in his life, he didn’t get what he wanted and he’s never had to develop the emotional apparatus to handle it. You don’t have to enable him, but if you insist, that’s your business. Just leave me out of it.
This is what you sound like now:
No thanks.
If that makes you hate me, I don’t want you to like me.
Let's review how we got here ...
> This election was compromised by officials not authorized to change the rules, changing them in key areas of this nation ... and by officials who conducted the tabulation of the votes with significant "irregularities" that are being ignored by the officials they report to.
> The burden of proof is not on the “losing” parties to prove fraud – it is on the officials who conducted the election to conclusively prove it was fair and honest, in the face of those compromises and other irregularities in the process, such as playing games with the monitoring of vote counting.. And the government (as opposed to its operatives re: criminality) is not entitled to the presumption of innocence.
> That conclusive proof, in the face of multiple irregularities, has NOT been forthcoming … “because we say so” or “you lack standing” is NOT proof. This is where the courts in particular fell down on the job.
> This election was so compromised that conclusive proof of its honesty was beyond reach … Congress should have refused to certify the Electoral College results, and sent it into the House for resolution.
> But our leaders in two of the three branches, and in many of our states, tried to duck the above and pretend everything was all right. They valued the reputation of their institutions … and/or the expedient repudiation of Orange Man Bad … more than they valued treating their constituents with honesty and integrity.
Should actual proof of fraud come out, it will now shake this nation to its core, for we are in uncharted territory when it comes to finding an election illegitimate after inauguration. And that could have been avoided, had our leaders adhered to Constitutional requirements and processes – both before the election to avoid the compromises, and once the compromises became evident.
This is the elephant in the room, that shall not be named – much less discussed – according to Big Tech, the media, and the Powers that Be. But the Tarkin Effect applies to their efforts here.
Well yes, Trump lost. He's not going to be president again unless he wins a different election. I'm a conservative and know lots of conservatives, but I don't personally know of any who think that Biden can be replaced by Trump midterm. I think you're using a strawman, Sean. The reason people like me still want the 2020 election investigated is to reveal any shenanigans (Biden would like that word) that may have been pulled in order that we can clean up the process enough to ensure that the next election is more secure. Even in the unlikely event that 2020 was as clean as the wind driven snow, the perception that it was not is a danger to our republic. I want sunlight to reveal everything, for better or worse.