Some grim news on a Friday morning:

Shinzo Abe was 67.
I really don’t want to hear that this sort of thing only happens in America. Japan has some of the strictest gun laws in the world, and none of those laws stopped this lunatic from making his own gun and shooting a politician with it. Laws mean nothing to the evil and the insane.
The NRA didn’t do this, unless there’s a Nipponese Rifle Association.
And once again, our media is a disgrace. Here’s how NPR decided to remember Shinzo Abe:
The man who was just assassinated was divisive and arch-conservative, huh?
And here’s their second attempt, after they deleted that one:
“Ultranationalist.” Well, maybe the third time will be the charm.
And of course, the worst president in the history of the United States had to say something stupid:

Shinzo Abe was assassinated on Japanese soil with a homemade gun, and now this moron and his staffers are using it to push gun control in America. I can’t wait for November.
This is the greatest political ad I have ever seen.
Are you going to tell this black man that he shouldn’t be able to defend himself against the Klan in the United States of America? Really?
Biden Administration to America: Stop Whining, Peasants
Are you feeling stronger economically, friends?
These geniuses really do think they’re on a TV show:
Some kid-touchers go to jail. Other kid-touchers go to the White House. But they can still be friends!

It’s true. He did.
“I’d like to spend the day with you.” I’m sure you would, Joe.
This would be an embarrassing development for Biden if he still had any idea what’s going on around him at any time. He’s like Uncle Junior with a nuclear football.
James Caan, R.I.P. He was 82.
Everybody’s talking about The Godfather today, but my favorite James Caan performance is in The Way of the Gun (2000). Caan plays Joe Sarno, an aging mob fixer. And when he walks into a room, he owns it:
The writer and director of the film, Christopher McQuarrie, has a great anecdote that’s 100% Caan:

More recently, McQuarrie has been writing and directing the Mission: Impossible movies, so apparently Caan’s lesson has served him well.
God bless James Caan.
The emerging consensus seems to be that Thor Meets Lady Thor, Courtesy of That Annoying Guy from New Zealand isn’t very good. Sounds like another Marvel movie I’ll wait to see on Disney Plus. I’m spoiled now and I need my pause button.
A lot of people seem to be feeling the same thing I am: Marvel Fatigue Syndrome. It’s been almost 15 years now. I liked everything up until Avengers: Endgame, but once they finished off Thanos, they lost their way. They had a good run, but now I just don’t care anymore.
It’s disposable entertainment by its very nature. Very few people read every single Marvel comic that comes out every single month, so why feel obligated to see every dumb Marvel flick? You don’t owe Stan Lee’s ghost anything.
This is it, Better Call Saul fans:
“Let justice be done, though the heavens fall.” That’s what Jim Garrison said in Oliver Stone’s JFK. As for what that means for Jimmy/Saul/Gene… who knows?
We do know that by the time Saul crossed paths with Walter White, he was still terrified of someone named Lalo. So, what happened to Lalo? And Kim? How do they explain Howard’s sudden disappearance? And what ends up happening to Gene Takovic? Most importantly, who’s running the Cinnabon while he’s dealing with his pursuers? I need to know!
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"Shinzo Abe was assassinated on Japanese soil with a homemade gun..."
We need common-sense plumbing control, for sure.
"Are you going to tell this black man that he shouldn’t be able to defend himself against the Klan in the United States of America?"
Intersectionality isn't working out as they'd hoped.