Respect the American Legal System (When It Gives You What You Want)
That second part is very important
Let’s hear it for the Democratic Party and their newfound respect for law and order!
Remember “defund the police”? Yeah, never mind.
Do you know what “ACAB” means? Well, forget that.
Now that the Dems have gotten what they thought they wanted — the ability to utter the technically accurate sentence, “The GOP presidential nominee is a convicted felon” — they think the American legal system is just fine and dandy. They really couldn’t be happier about it.
Well, when they’re not whining that not everybody agrees with them.
That’s the trouble with being addicted to misery. Even when you get exactly what you want, you still need to find something to complain about.
But they got him. They took Bad Orange Man down a peg. For the moment, they love the system because it has produced their desired result.
Their new mantra: “No one is above the law.”
Well… except for this guy!