I ask because the response to a madman’s plot to murder Associate Justice Brett Kavanaugh, among our moral, ethical, and intellectual betters in the press, is a bit… muted.
It’s not really a big deal, right? Plus, the journos wouldn’t mind if this would-be assassin had succeeded. A result is a result.
In order to be a journalist in 2022, you must downplay any news that reflects badly on Democrats:
The chyron says, “MAN WITH WEAPON DETAINED NEAR JUSTICE KAVANAUGH’S HOME.” And this brave journo is like, “Weapon? What weapon?”
But hey, the guy coulda been a pro-lifer. That makes total sense. If you’re against abortion, of course you’d want to kill a pro-life judge. It’s called logic, people.
Here’s Nicholas John Roske, the loon who wants to kill Kavanaugh. Er, I mean one of the loons who want to kill Kavanaugh:
This kid’s face isn’t plastered everywhere because he’s not wearing a MAGA hat.