That word has been abused so much in American life, it’s now meaningless. If you don’t believe it, consider that Democrats now think “fascism” means reducing the size and scope of government. Which is, if not the opposite of fascism, nowhere close to it.
Nonetheless, Dems think “You’re a fascist!” is a winning strategy, and they’re screaming it at the top of their lungs. Now, even Jon Stewart is being called out by his own audience for not crying about fascism enough.
Here’s what Stewart recently told an audience member who doesn’t think he’s been panicking sufficiently:
…I understand the desire, but like, I’m very big on — and I know it’s annoying, but — specificity and nuance. And I think if you cry “fascism” at every administrative overreach, even the ones that are constitutionally okay, you will find yourself out of fascism bullets when the time really comes to remind people of...
Because… you will… I think what the media has done over the last 10 years is cry “wolf” to the point where they numbed everybody. It was an anesthetic, and it got to where…
What was the thing they litigated throughout this campaign? “He’s a fascist. He’s a terrible person. Democracy is on the ballot.” Guess what lost at the… If you told us democracy’s on the ballot, well, democracy got its ass kicked. By a majority vote.
So I am very cautious about when to know… like, yeah, hopefully I won’t do it the night after Kristallnacht. I’ll get it, like. But it’s like, when do you put your dog down? Like, it’s one of those things, like you’re not quite sure. But I do understand how annoying that is.
Okay, but this is like Ray Kroc complaining about Americans getting fat on hamburgers.