In case you’ve been in a coma or the Alaskan wilderness for the past month, the following video was taken on an American Airlines flight on July 2.
(There are several F-bombs, so don’t watch it if you don’t like those.)
“I don’t give two f***s! But I am telling you right now, that motherf***— That motherf***er back there is not real. And you can sit on this plane and you can f***ing die with him or not. I’m not going to.”
My goodness.
Alcohol? Ambien? Nervous breakdown? Panic attack? Ate the whole edible at once? All of the above?
This clip went instantly viral, of course. It’s hardly the first airplane meltdown caught on camera, but it has a lot going for it: Photogenic subject. Emphatic gestures. Bizarre, possibly paranormal claim, phrased indelibly. And that distinctive costume, which will be seen at every Halloween party in 2023.
It was a perfect storm of virality, and the jokes and memes swept over the internet like a screechy tsunami. It was a lot of fun… for everybody but that lady.
And then a weird thing happened: