Two of my favorite things in the world are reducing the size of government and watching leftists cry in thwarted frustration. We almost never see the former, and there’s not nearly enough of the latter to suit me.
So I won’t pretend the last couple of weeks haven’t been fun. It’s amazing to watch Democrats wail and gnash their teeth at Elon Musk and his team of autists ferreting out government waste. A handful of nerds have lifted up the mossy rock of federal bureaucracy, and now we can see all the slimy little creatures hiding underneath.
Now, I’m skeptical it’ll do any good in the long run, because a politician has promised it will. As Barack Obama has shown us, promises are not accomplishments. But it’s a start. Maybe it’ll work. If it does, I won’t pretend otherwise. Less government is good, no matter who gets it done.
And I absolutely love the reaction to all these revelations of ridiculously wasteful spending. The Biden administration was utterly corrupt. Grandpa Joe has dementia, so the neighborhood kids were running around the house after nabbing the keys to the liquor cabinet.
Now Americans are finally learning how badly their hard-earned money has been wasted, and they’re justifiably pissed off at their self-appointed betters. That includes my favorite government agency of all: the State Department.
Ryan King and Josh Christenson, NY Post:
An LGBTQ group in Ecuador tapped into a $25,000 grant from the Biden State Department to produce a two-day drag workshop intended to promote diversity and inclusion abroad…
Fundacion Dialogo Diverso, a nongovernmental organization that aims to promote democracy and the “LGBTIQ+ population” of the South American country, organized the drag show and published footage of it last July.
The State Department footed some of the bill for the show through its Bureau of Population Refugees and Migration, for which the nonprofit thanked the department.
Why did the Biden administration fund a two-day Ecuadorian drag workshop? Because it wasn’t three days.
And yes, there’s video.
Whew! Just think what might’ve happened to those guys if they didn’t get their drag workshop, huh?
The State Department is the agency that gave me the runaround for four years after crippling me for life. Turns out, they would’ve paid me a settlement a lot quicker if I dressed up like a woman and shimmied for ‘em.
Look, man, if you want to be an Ecuadorian drag queen, go right ahead. Live your best life, girlfriend. But why the hell am I paying for it?
If the Trump/Musk crackdown means a few gay guys in South America will be sad that they can’t dress up like girls without any help from Los Estados Unidos, I can live with that.
Apparently that makes me a Nazi. Because if there’s one thing we know about those guys, it’s that they hated big government and didn’t want it telling them what to do and say.
I don’t watch ESPN, but a lot of people have complained that it’s gone woke. Which might be bad for sports, but it’s great for comedy.
Here’s my favorite new Orwellianism: “biologically assigned male.”
First they tried “assigned male at birth.” As if the delivery-room doctor looking at your little dingus was just expressing an opinion.
That rhetoric didn’t work, I guess, so now it’s “biologically assigned.” Which is more accurate, in the sense that human biology dictates whether you’re male or female.
But isn’t it redundant? Wouldn’t it be simpler and more effective to just say “male”? Are there any editors left at ESPN?
As an Irish-American, I’m so glad McDonald’s is bringing back Uncle O’Grimacey. Finally, some representation for my people!

All the right people are melting down. It's glorious!
Do those South American drag queens actually think they look like real women? Most of them are hideous.
As for downsizing government, I'll take all of that I can get. And no one, no one should draw a government paycheck for more than a total of 20 years. Let them find other private jobs for another 20 years or so.
My don tells me most of ESPN is hopelessly woke, but I haven't watched for years because I thought they went hopelessly stupid about 20 years ago.